About Us
Quality products
When we set out with a vision to enter the Adult Use market, it always focused around quality products free of contaminants. Our facility design places an emphasis on a clean cultivation environment... all while being clean for Mother Nature!
The Clean Cannabis Co. uses cultivation practices to make sure that our products are packed full of all the benefits our plants can provide.
But don't take our word for it, try some Clean Cannabis Co. products and experience it for yourself
A Bit of Our Story...

Meet The Owners

Meet Derek Porter,
Co-Owner of The Clean Cannabis Company
I have had a longtime fascination of medicinal qualities in plants. So naturally I found the benefits of cannabis earlier in life. Since then I have been an advocate for cannabis on a personal level, keeping a close eye on legislation across the country.
I am originally from the North Shore of Massachusetts. I have called Vermont home for the last 10 years, working as a career chef. Being able to operate in Vermont's cannabis market is a proud accomplishment. I am very excited to see where the market heads!
It is my hope to bring my years of personal cultivation experience and care to the commercial level and bring our state a top quality product.
Meet Devin Dannat,
Co-Owner of The Clean Cannabis Company
My passion for cannabis developed later on in life. I was struggling with health concerns that were
affecting my quality of life. I was suffering from insomnia caused by severe sleep apnea. The use of
cannabis helped me bridge the gap while being diagnosed and treated, and also helped me deal with the transition of wearing a mask to sleep at night.
I have been an enthusiastic home gardener for many years now. I love to grow and preserve food for my
family on our own property. The addition of cannabis to our yearly crops has been such an amazing opportunity. Growing our own fruits and vegetables is such a gratifying process, but growing our own medicine is beyond rewarding.
My life has been significantly impacted by cannabis in such a positive way that I decided to make it my mission to share what I have learned through my own journey with as many people as possible. The Clean Cannabis Company is my passion and it’s my hope that our products offer the same benefits and opportunities to all that may need it.